At IEnova, we view sustainability as a path of continuous improvement and to the creation of value for our shareholders, employees, clients and the communities to which we belong, based on three fundamental pillars: environmental, social and economic, all founded of ethics and corporate governance.
Our employees are the base of our success and the values that we have implemented guide our actions, including the way we work with one another, how we respect the environment and how we commit to our stakeholders.
At IEnova, we conduct ourselves in accordance with our Code of Ethics, which includes a series of institutional values that define how we interact with our different stakeholders.
At IEnova, we believe that infrastructure fosters progress, creates opportunities for growth and investment, promotes regional development and represents an important source of employment. Modern and sufficient energy infrastructure is an essential factor for progress and growth and has a positive impact on a region's competitiveness and productivity. Having sources of clean, sufficient and competitively priced energy increases the opportunities for investment and therefore, employment, which will increase our country's levels of competitiveness and industrialization.
We are committed to the respect, protection and conservation of the environment and to the satisfaction of our consumers' needs in a sustainable manner.